Intermediate Programming 601.220 Project 1 --------- 1. Design and develop a linked list based repository that maintains a dynamic list of records in the order they were inserted. A record consists of a unique key and associated (potentially non-unique) data. For this project, keys and data are both integers. The repository should support the following operations: Insert - insert a {key, data} record into the repository. Each key should only appear at most once in the repository. If the key already appears in the repository, this operation should not change the list at all. The operation should return 1 if the key was inserted, 0 if the key was not inserted, and -1 if the operation had a problem completing correctly. Delete - remove a record with a specific key from the repository if such a record exists. The operation should return 1 if a record was removed or 0 if the key was not found in the repository. Get - get a record with a specific key from the repository if such a record exists. The operation should return the data associated with the key if the key was found in the repository or 0 if the key was not found. Print - print the current size of the repository, the number of 'next' steps performed so far (see below), and the current {key, data} records in it. A counter should maintain the number of steps performed on the list. The counter should be initialized to 0 and should be incremented each time a pointer is set to point to another member of the list. This gives an indication of how much effort was spent so far. Write a program that will use the repository with random operations generated by the "Get_next_op" function provided in class as part of the Project1_template.c file. The "Get_next_op" function randomly generates the type of operation to perform, as well as key and data values to use as needed for the operation. Note that you should NOT need to recompile your program between tests. Please use seed 20 unless otherwise specified. 1.a Run it with numbers between 1..10, for 1000 operations, printing every 100 operations. 1.b Run it with numbers between 1..100, for 10,000 operations, printing every 1000 operations. 1.c Run it with numbers between 1..100, for 1,000,000 operations, printing every 100,000 operations. 1.d Run it with numbers between 1..1000, for 10,000,000 operations, printing every 1,000,000 operations. Avoid printing the actual numbers in this case (just the size and number of steps). 2. Design and develop a similar repository with the modification that the list is maintained sorted (smaller keys first). Re-run 1.a, 1.b, 1.c, 1.d for this case as well. 3. Re-run 1.d and 2.d with 5 different seeds: 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24. Include in your document the number of steps in each case and calculate the average number of steps for the original repository and for the sorted repository. Please comment on the results and explain them if possible. Please complete your design by Monday Sep 14 and development by Wednesday Sep 16 (this will not be delivered or graded). Submission date of complete project (including original documented code, design, and results) is: Friday, September 18, 12pm (noon). Submission is accomplished by e-mailing a tar file that contains the source code and the design-and-results document (not executables or object files) to Note that is *not* the e-mail that can be used to get help. The design-and-results document should either be a plain text or pdf file. You can submit as many times as you want. The last submission before the deadline will be checked. We encourage submitting an early draft to make sure you know how to submit.