Intermediate Programming 601.220 Project 3 --------- A. Repository Design and Development Design and develop a repository based on the Super List data structure presented in class. An exact definition of the repository access functions is given in the file sl_repository.h (which should not be changed). You should implement a Super List version of the 5 repository access functions that should reside in a new file sl_repository.c : 1. int Repository_init( int p ) - initializes the Super List repository, setting the Super List probability constant to p percent (e.g 50 for 50 percent). The operation should return 0 if it succeeded, and -1 if the operation had a problem completing correctly. 2. int Repository_update( int key, int data ) - updates a {key, data} record in the repository. If no record with the given key exists, insert the {key, data} record into the repository, sorted according to the key (smaller keys first). Each key should only appear at most once in the repository. If a record with the given key already exists, update the data associated with that key to the new data value. The operation should return 1 if the {key, data} record was inserted, return 0 if an existing record was updated, and -1 if the operation had a problem completing correctly. - Note that in real life, data can be much larger than an integer, so the Super List structure should only store one copy of the data. This means that each element in the Super List should have a key and a pointer to data. All elements related to the same key (i.e. on different levels) should point to the same data. 3. int Repository_delete( int key ) - removes a record with the given key from the repository if such a record exists. The operation should return 1 if such a record was removed and 0 if there was no such record in the repository. 4. int Repository_get( int key, int *data ) - gets a record with a specific key from the repository and stores (a copy of) the data of that record into the data parameter, if such a record exists. The operation should return 1 if the record was found in the repository and 0 if the record was not found. 5. void Repository_print( int print_elements ) - prints the number of unique records in the repository, the total number of records in each level of the Super List structure, the current number of levels in the Super List, and the number of 'next' steps performed so far (see below). - If print_elements is 1, the function should print the list of unique records in the repository. If print_elements is 2, the function should print the list of records in each level of the repository in a way that nicely presents the super list structure (think about how to do this). Otherwise, the function should not print the specific records. A counter should maintain the number of steps performed on the Super list. The counter should be initialized to 0 and should be incremented each time a pointer is set to point to another record in any level of the Super List. This gives an indication of how much effort was spent so far. B. Driver Program Development A driver program is provided (project3.c), as well as a Makefile that will compile project3.c and repository.c to build the project3 executable. However, the project3.c program should be modified to receive its input parameters as command line arguments (see below), and to call the repository_print function with print_elements=2 in the appropriate cases (see Testing and Analysis below). The program should receive its input parameters as command line arguments. The user may specify the parameters in any order and does not need to provide all the parameters. If a particular parameter is not provided, the default value for that parameter should be used. The program should receive the following input parameters, with the following defaults, as command line parameters: -r with a default of 100 (for numbers between 1..100) -o with a default of 1,000,000 (for the number of operations). -s with a default of 20, for the starting seed. -p with a default of 50. The program should exit after completing the run. C. Testing and Analysis You should run AT LEAST the following tests to check your program: 1.a Run it with keys between 1..10, for 1000 operations, printing (print_element = 2 ) every 100 operations. 1.b Run it with keys between 1..100, for 10,000 operations, printing (print_element = 2 ) every 1000 operations. 1.c Run it with keys between 1..100, for 1,000,000 operations, printing (print_element = 1 ) every 100,000 operations. 1.d Run it with keys between 1..1000, for 10,000,000 operations, printing (print_element = 0 ) every 1,000,000 operations. 1.e Run it with keys between 1..1000, for 100,000,000 operations, printing (print_element = 0 ) every 10,000,000 operations. 1.f Run it with keys between 1..10000, for 50,000,000 operations, printing (print_element = 0 ) every 5,000,000 operations. We should be able to use your driver program to run all of these tests without recompiling anything. You do NOT need to include the output of the above tests in your submission. The step counts, averages, and analysis for parts 2 and 3 below MUST be included in your submission: 2. Re-run 1.d, 1.e, and 1.f with 5 different seeds 20-24. Include in your results document the number of steps in each case and calculate the average number of steps for 1.d, 1.e, and 1.f respectively. Please analyze and explain the results in detail (include what you would expect the number of steps to be based on your mathematical analysis). 3. In a standard Super List (1.a-1.f, 2), the probability (p) used when randomizing level instantiation upon insertion is 50%. Re-run 1.d with p=25% and also with p=75% instead. Include the number of steps in each case with seed 20 (you do not need to analyze these results). Note: All through this project, you MUST use the rand100 related functions (see rand100.h) to randomize on the p parameter of the Super List. The Get_next_op function should be the only function that uses the usual rand functions from Projects 1 and 2. This is done to create a separation between the random number streams so that your results for 1.a to 1.d will be similar to those in project2 (the keys and data appearing in the list should match project2 exactly). All provided files (Makefile, project3.c, rand100.h, rand100.c, and sl_repository.h) are available on the ugrad machines in ~amir220/Projects/project3. D. Submission Please come to class on Friday (10/2) with a complete, typed design. Please try hard to complete implementation of the Super List by Monday 10/12. Submission date of a complete project including design document, code, and results/analysis is: Friday October 16, noon. Submission is accomplished by emailing a tar file to Please do not include executable/object files or cores in your tar (include only the files you want to submit) The development environment and the place where you have to check your program is *only* on the ugrad1-24 machines.