Submitting a project for the Intermediate Programming course consists of the following two steps: (1) create a .tar file that encompasses all of the files you will be submitting (2) email the .tar file to us at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Creating a .tar file: Before you begin, MAKE A BACKUP! It's very easy to overwrite your work if you get these commands wrong. Recall the command to copy a file: cp projectX.c projectX_backup.c (a) To make a tar file out of all of the files you want to submit do this: tar -cvf tarfile.tar submittedfile1 submittedfile2 submittedfile3 For example, it could be something like: tar -cvf AmyBabay_ProjectX.tar design.txt results.txt projectX.c Here, c means "create", f means "file", v means "verbose" (ie, it will list all the files it puts in). "tarfile" is the name of the resulting tar file. * Please name it something unique to you, like YourName_ProjectX.tar * Note that it is important that you put the name of the tarfile that you want to create (eg. AmyBabay_ProjectX.tar) first. If you forget to do this, you will overwrite the first file in the list of files. (b) To look at the contents of a tar file (to check that your work is in there), do this: tar -tvf tarfile.tar If you still have questions, try "man tar" to look at the man page for tar. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (2) Emailing the tar file to us: There are two main options for getting us your submission. (a) The easiest thing to do is email your YourName_ProjectX.tar file directly from your ugrad account. This can be done by typing the following commands: From the folder which contains your YourName_ProjectX.tar file, type the following command: mailx -a YourName_ProjectX.tar Then you will be asked for a subject of the email. Type the subject: "ProjectX Submission by YourName" and press enter. Then you will just get the cursor to go to a new line. This is where the body of the email goes. Then, either type . and a new line, or press CTRL+D to end the email. Note that you can also use this method to email your work to yourself by using your own email address rather than NOTE: Our submission system sends a confirmation email to the email address that the submission was sent from. If you use the above method, you will probably want to forward email received in your ugrad account to an account that you actually read. To do this, set up a .forward file by using the following command: vim ~/.forward Type the email address you want to forward your mail to on the first line and save the file. (b) Another option is to transfer the YourName_ProjectX.tar file from your ugrad account to your local machine, and then email from your local machine. You can transfer the file using scp (Linux / Mac OSX) or WinSCP (Windows) (i) If using Windows, download WinSCP ( ) and install. The login process is very similar to PUTTY. The host is (where # can be any of the valid ugrad machines, i.e. 1-24), and the username/password is your ugrad account/password. Then, you will see your ugrad home directory on the right and your laptop's local directories on the left. Simply navigate to the YourName_ProjectX.tar file on the ugrad machine and drag and drop it where it should go on your laptop. Then, you can email with the YourName_ProjectX.tar file as an attachment. (ii) If using Mac/Linux, you can just open up a terminal and use the scp command (described below). Make sure that you are NOT ssh'd into the ugrad machines in that terminal. You want to just open the native terminal on your laptop. The scp works in the following way: scp In this command, is where you normally navigate to get to the file from your ugrad home directory, and is where you want to save the file on your laptop (possibly the desktop?). You will also be prompted for you ugrad account password. Here's an example: scp ~/Desktop/YourName_ProjectX.tar If you have any questions about submission, you can email us at