The ugrad machines ================== In the CS220 course, we will be using the 24 ugrad machines maintained by the Computer Science Department. The names of these machines are,,, ... , You can use any of these 24 machines -- if you create a file on a particular ugrad machine, you will be able to view and edit it on any of the other machines as well. These computers are physically located in Malone Hall 122 and Malone Hall G61. Your JCard should give you access to these labs (non-CS students with course accounts may not have access immediately, but access can be arranged). Accessing the ugrad machines remotely ===================================== During class, we will work on the ugrad machines remotely from the Maryland 310 classroom, and you can do this to work on your projects at home on your laptop too. To connect to the ugrad machines remotely, we will use ssh. On Windows: ----------- You will need to install PuTTY, which is available here: Once you have PuTTY installed, the steps to login are: 1. Start PuTTY 2. The PuTTY Configuration window should appear. Enter the name of the ugrad machine you want to connect to (for example, in the "Host Name (or IP address)" box. The "Port" box should be 22, and the "Connection type" should be SSH. 3. Click the "Open" button. 4. The first time you connect to a particular ugrad machine, a box will pop up saying that PuTTY does not recognize the server's host key. Most of the time it's fine to click "yes" here, but if you want to be completely safe, you can first verify that the key fingerprint showing in the pop-up box matches the one in the "SSH Fingerprint Table for Ugrad Net machines" here: 5. A PuTTY window will appear with the prompt "login as:". Type your user name and hit enter (if you got your account through the cs220 course, your user name starts with "ipa" and ends with some number from 1-40). 6. You'll then be prompted for your password. Type it in and hit enter. 7. You should now be logged into your account. On Mac: ------- 1. Open up a terminal window - can be found in the Utilities folder inside the Applications folder. 2. In the terminal window, type: ssh with "your_user_name" replaced by your user name and "#" replaced by a number between 1 and 24. For example, if your user name is ipa40, and you want to log into ugrad10, you would type: ssh 3. You will be prompted for your password. Type it in and hit enter. 4. You should now be logged into your account. Accessing the course code ========================= All the code we go over in class is kept in the amir220 account on the ugrad machines. To get to the home directory of the amir220 account type: cd ~amir220 To see everything in that directory type: ls To get to the code in the Week1 directory type: cd Week1 To view a particular file, type: less filename (for example, less hello_world.c) - After using "less" to view a file, you can use the arrow keys to move up and down in the file (if it doesn't all fit on the screen at once) and press the "q" key to quit looking at the file.