Healthcare Coalition Request Portal
The Near Southwest Preparedness Alliance is a healthcare coalition supporting local hospitals and healthcare clinics in Southwestern Virginia. They aid in disaster resource management and field medical supply requests from coalition members when supplies cannot otherwise be located.
Currently, the documentation and infrastructure supporting their supply request services does not meet their growing needs. Their system of email and excel documentation leaves room to make the process of submitting and managing requests easier and more efficient.
Our goal is to provide the NSPA with a better solution to their request management system. We believe that a new management software can be modeled off of existing ticket systems that are widely used as issue tracking managers for IT support staff. Overall, we aim to produce a product that allows easy online submission of requests and intuitive tracking and management for NSPA staff.
Learn more about the NSPAOur Solution
Our plan is to use preexisting IT ticketing software as an inspiration to create a system to meet the NSPA's current supply request needs. We are designing a website from scratch making use of a Spark Java Web Framework and PostgreSQL database.
Request Submission Feature
One of the primary features of our project is the external request form that can be filled out by any associated healthcare facility and submitted to the NSPA. Below is an image of the form that we created. Submission of the form allows logged in staff users to view the request, and also provides the requestor with a PDF copy of their complete form via email. Requestors are also able to check the status of their request

Staff Request Tracking Portal
The NSPA staff is able to view all requests submitted, and assign them a priority, status, and designated staff member. Staff members are also able to escalate, close, and delete requests as needed. Below is an image of the staff view of open requests.

Important links:
Request Portal Design Documentation Our Midterm Presenation Our Final Presenation Download our CodeOur Advising Team
Project Advisor:
Professor Yair Amir
Special Help From:
Sahiti Bommareddy
Jerry Chen
In Collaboration With:
Chelsea Treboniak
Near Southwest Preparedness Alliance
601.310 Spring 2021