Establishing A Centralized Communication Platform

for Advisors and Advisees

Team Members


Mia Boloix

Program Manager

Computer Science '21


Sebastian Cabrejos

Software Engineer

Computer Science '22


James Wang

Software Engineer

Computer Science '23


Rishibrata Biswas

Software Engineer

Computer Science '23


Jeanie Fung

Software Engineer

Cognitive Science '23


There is currently no centralized communication platform for Johns Hopkins University undergraduates and their respective faculty advisors. has become widely used at Hopkins as a course planner, but it has the potential to do more in the arena of course planning.


Every semester, students need to meet with their advisors at least once to clarify their plans for the upcoming semester. could be the bridge between advisors and advisees by vastly simplifying the process of advisor-advisee communication, and thus, allowing more time for both parties to understand what’s necessary for a student to graduate on time and have enjoyable course work along the way.

Advisor Dashboard - MVP, Presentations, & Demo

*Only available via Johns Hopkins VPN or on-campus wifi at Johns Hopkins University until placed into production in late 2021

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Directly View Our Presentations and Demo