Special help
The course is managed as a few discussion groups, each is focused around
a selected research topic. Each group investigates far-reaching ideas,
and designs and implements a useful semester-long project related to the topic.
- Distributed Systems ( 601.417/617 )
- or another JHU CS systems course
Class Schedule
- Tuesday 3:00-4:15pm, Hudson Hall 315.
- Thursday 3:00-4:15pm, Hudson Hall 315.
Current projects during the Spring 2022 semester
(Final presentations - May 10, 11am - 2pm, Malone Hall 207):
Past Editions
Projects conducted during the Spring 2020 semester:
Projects conducted during the Spring 2017 semester:
Projects conducted during the Spring 2015 semester:
Projects conducted during the Spring 2013 semester:
Projects conducted during the Spring 2011 semester:
Projects conducted during the Fall 2008 semester:
Projects conducted during the Spring 2007 semester:
- Fighting E-mail Spam
Spam is one of the major problems on the Internet, making e-mail a lot less effective tool.
Spam filters are quite effective, blocking about 90% of spam messages. However, due to the
large volume of spam, 10% is still quite significant compared with the number of non-spam
messages. This project had two goals: first, to increase the effectiveness of the filters
to 95% (reducing the ratio of unfiltered spam to filtered spam by a factor of 2). Second,
to try to exact some cost on computers that send spam at the time they actually send
a spam message.
- Privacy for Web-based Applications
Web based applications such as Google Docs and Spreadsheets represent a new take on the
old thin-client / the-network-is-the-computer computing paradigm. Current providers
such as Google and Zoho store user files and provide applications that manipulate
these files within the framework of an Internet browser. The content of these files
is accessible to the provider, presenting a serious privacy problem (or feature, in the
eye of the provider). This project investigates the possibility of providing user
privacy using the existing applications and application providers, without undermining
- A Dynamic Web Service.
- Wireless Mesh Network with Push-to-Talk Support.
Academic Integrity
Academic Honesty and Ethical behavior are required in this course, as it is in all
courses at Johns Hopkins University. This course will strictly enforce the Computer Science
Department Academic Integrity policy which can be found at the department's web page.