Technical Report, July 2001


Our goal is to develop a Cost-Benefit framework for fault tolerant communication and information access that addresses extremely powerful adversaries that were never handled in the past. The project will develop the theory and algorithms required to overcome strong network attacks, while providing theoretically provable performance bounds. We will build a system that incorporates these algorithms, and that exhibits good performance in practice.


Our technical approach includes the following innovative topics:


Current Plan:

Our plan for FY 2002 includes the following:


Technology Transfer:

The cost-benefit decision making framework was used in the mod_backhand load-balancing module for the Apache web server. The framework was used to decide which servers should respond to each web request. The mod_backhand module has grown to be used in over 10,000 websites and is included in the SuSE 7.0 and Caldera OpenLinux 3.2 linux distributions.

We have pre-released Wackamole which is a software tool that allows N-Way Fail Over for IP Addresses in a cluster. Wackamole runs as root on each of the cluster's machines. It uses the membership notifications provided by the Spread toolkit to generate a consistent state that is agreed upon among all of the connected Wackamole instances. Wackamole uses this knowledge to ensure that all of the public IP addresses served by the cluster will be covered by exactly one Wackamole instance. We are planning on an open-source release in the very near future.