Quarterly Technical Report, January 2003


This quarter we focused on the Spines overlay network infrastructure and on the Wackamole NxWay failover for servers and routers.


N-Way Fail-Over Infrastructure for Survivable Servers and Routers.
Technical Report CNDS-2002-5, December 2002.

Yair Amir, Ryan Caudy, Ashima Munjal, Theo Schlossnagle and Ciprian Tutu.

Maintaining the availability of critical servers and routers is an important concern for many organizations. At the lowest level, IP addresses represent the global namespace by which services are accessible on the Internet.

We introduce Wackamole, a completely distributed software solution based on a provably correct algorithm that negotiates the assignment of IP addresses among the currently available servers upon detection of faults. This reallocation ensures that at any given time any public IP address of the server cluster is covered exactly once, as long as at least one physical server survives the network fault. The same technique is extended to support highly available routers.

The paper presents the design considerations, algorithm specification and correctness proof, discusses the practical usage for server clusters and for routers, and evaluates the performance of the system.


We have released Wackamole version 2.0.0 in November 2002. The system is supported now under Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris 8, and MacOS-X. One of the main improvements is the new support for NxWay fail-over for routers. So far, we have registered over 800 downloads of the software from our web site.

Plans for Next Quarter:

We plan to release the first version of Spines as an overlay network research tool and make it available open source. Our focus for the next quarter will be on providing multicast functionality similar to IP Multicast using the overlay networks.