Previous Grants
Real-Time Byzantine Resilient Systems
Severe Impact Resilient Systems
- Assuring City Scale Infrastructure Systems
Wide-area Dissemination under Strict Reliability, Timeliness, and Cost Constraints
An NSF grant (September 2015 - August 2018) to Johns Hopkins University. A component of the Algorithms in the Field (AitF) program.
- Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) Energy and Water
A DoD grant (August 2016 - August 2018) to Resurgo Inc with a subcontract to Johns Hopkins University.
Toward Intrusion Tolerant Clouds
A DARPA/I2O grant (November 2011 - September 2016) to Johns Hopkins University, Purdue University and University of California at Irvine. A component of the DARPA Mission-Oriented Resilient Clouds (MRC) program.
Scalable Byzantine Replication Under Attack
An NSF grant (August 2007 - July 2010) to Johns Hopkins University. A component of the NSF Cyber Trust program.
A Survivable Information Infrastructure for National Civilian BioDefense
An NSF grant (January 2005 - September 2007) to Johns Hopkins University, Purdue University, UCLA and Telcordia Technologies. A component of the NSF Cyber Trust program.
Scalability, Accountability and Instant Information Access for
Network-Centric Warfare
A DARPA/ IPTO grant (June 2004 - December 2005) to Johns Hopkins University with a subcontract to Purdue University. A component of the DARPA Self-Regenerative Systems (SRS) effort.
High Performance, Robust and Secure Group Communication
Principal Investigator: Yair Amir. Co-PIs: Baruch Awerbuch and Jonathan Stanton. Subcontract PI: Gene Tsudik.
A DARPA/ ITO grant (May 2000 - September 2003) to Johns Hopkins University with a subcontract to University of California, Irvine. A component of the DARPA Dynamic Coalitions effort. This grant is co-funded by the NSA.
- A Cost-Benefit Approach to Fault Tolerant Communication and Information Access
A DARPA/ITO grant (May 2000 - September 2003) to Johns Hopkins University. A component of the DARPA Tolerant Networking effort.
- Alternative Approaches to Secure Multicast Routing
Principal Investigators: Yair Amir and Baruch Awerbuch.An NSA/Lucite grant (June 1998 - June 2000) to Johns Hopkins University. This work continues under the High Performance, Robust and Secure Group Communication grant.
- End to End Resource Management for Metacomputers
Principal Investigator: Baruch Awerbuch. Co-PI: Yair Amir.
A DARPA/ITO grant (August 1996 - May 2000) to Johns Hopkins University. A component of the DARPA Quorum effort.
- Combining Satellite Communication in Commedia
Principal Investigator: Yair Amir.
A NASA/CESDIS grant (July 1996 - June 1998) to Johns Hopkins University.
Corporate Support
- Intel Corporation - equipment donation.
- Linsang Computing LLC - unrestricted award