
Dr. Yair Amir

Dr. Yair Amir

Professor Emeritus

Intrusion Tolerant Clouds, Critical Infrastructure, Overlay Networks, Wireless Mesh Networks, Distributed Algorithms, Replication


Sahiti Bommareddy

Sahiti Bommareddy, PhD 2025

Distributed Systems, Intrusion-tolerant Systems, Critical Infrastructure, Dependable and Resilient Systems

Brian Wheatman

Brian Wheatman, 2022

Big Data and Distributed Systems, Dependable and Resilient Systems

Daniel Qian, MSE 2021

Critical Infrastructure, Real Time Interactive Services

Guangrui (Jerry) Chen, MSE 2021

Real Time Interactive Services, Dependable Systems

Shriya Kaneriya, 2020

Systems and Networks

Amy Babay

Amy Babay, PhD 2018

Real-Time Reliable Internet Services, Intrusion-Tolerant Systems, Critical Infrastructure, High Performance Messaging

Tom Tantillo

Tom Tantillo, PhD 2018

Intrusion Tolerant Clouds, Critical Infrastructure, Survivable Highly-Available Intrusion Tolerant Systems, Overlay Networks

Sam Beckley

Sam Beckley, 2018

Intrusion-Tolerant Open-Source SCADA

kaiyue Wu

Kaiyue (Karin) Wu, 2018

Ned Duhaime

Ned Duhaime, MSE 2017

Seamless Overlay Networks

Trevor Aron, MSE 2017

Intrusion-Tolerant SCADA

Emily Wagner, MSE 2016

Real-Time Reliable Internet Services, Overlay Network Simulation

Daniel Obenshain, PhD 2015

Practical Intrusion-Tolerant Networking

Dr. Marco Platania

Survivable Intrusion-Tolerant Systems, Critical Infrastructure Protection

Jeffrey Dalla Tezza, MSE 2015

Shared Key-Value Stores

Jonathan Kirsch, PhD 2010

Survivable Systems, P2P Networks

Raluca Musaloiu-E., PhD 2010

Networks, Wireless Mesh Networks

John Lane, PhD 2008

Survivable Systems, Byzantine Fault Tolerant Algorithms

Nilo Rivera, PhD 2008

Wireless Mesh Networks, Routing Protocols

Michael Kaplan, MS 2006

High Performance Routing, Survivability, Network Protocols

Claudiu Danilov, PhD 2004

Byzantine and Benign Fault Tolerant Systems, Survivability, Wireless and Hybrid Mesh Networks, Overlay Networks

Ciprian Tutu, PhD 2004

Wide-area database replication using group communication, distributed algorithms

Ryan Caudy, MS 2004

Bloomberg LP. Group communication and high availability for network clusters

Michael Hilsdale, MS 2004

Microsoft. Seamless Wireless Networks

Ashima Munjal, MS 2004

Virtual IP management for network clusters

Cristina Nita-Rotaru, PhD 2003

Professor, Northeastern Univeristy. Security in group communication and distributed systems

Jonathan Stanton, PhD 2002

Assistant Professor, George Washington University. Distributed Systems, wide-area group communication

John Schultz, MS 2001

Partner, Spread Concepts. Distributed systems, group communication

R. Sean Borgstrom, PhD 2000

Author. Metacomputing

Jacob Green, MS 2000

Partner, Spread Concepts. Distributed systems, metacomputing

David Shaw, MS 1998

Internet protocols

Theo Schlossnagle

Founder, OmniTi. Replicated web service

Alec Peterson

Internet protocols

Distributed Systems and Networks Lab
Computer Science Department, Johns Hopkins University
Malone Hall
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218