Lab Members

We took some photos of the whole DSN lab, including Professor Yair Amir, current and past PhD students: Sahiti Bommareddy, Tom Tantillo, Amy Babay, Daniel Obenshain, Cristina Nita-Rotaru , post-doc Marco Platania, summer 2015 interns Trevor Aron and Ned Duhaime, MSE student Jeff Dalla Tezza and other graduate/undergraduate students from the courses.
Check the People page to see all our current and past members.


Our lab moved into its current home in Malone Hall in July 2014, right after the building was completed. We were previously located in Croft Hall (formerly known as the New Engineering Building).
The photo on the left shows a view of Malone Hall from the Decker Quad.
The photo on the right shows our lab from the outside: it is located in the corner on the second floor, where the open windows are in the picture.


The DSN Lab is located in room 207 of Malone Hall. Come see us any time!


Amy with the clusters

Our clusters

Our newest servers

More servers

Mail and file servers

PlanetLab machines we host

Installing the new cluster

Daniel Obenshain's Defense

Daniel Obenshain's PhD Hooding
Older Photos
Older photos can be found here.